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Our Covid-19 Management Plan

Covid-19 Management Plan:

COVID-19 is a respiratory infection that was unknown before the outbreak that started in Hubei Province, China, in December 2019. Other known forms of the coronaviruses include Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) and Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS).



All our staff have been fully vaccinated in accordance with the Australian Health requirements. This has been done to not only keep our staff safe but our clients as well. Certificates/medical history can be shown prior to entering your workplace.


Company & Staff Obligations:

All our staff at ELMS TESTING & COMPLIANCE SERVICES strive to make our visit to your business the safest for everyone.

  • All staff members will be required to check into the venue we are attending via the Queensland Check In Application and present their green tick on arrival.

  • We will plan and work around announcements and notices from the Australian Government involving any area that our employees work or live in.

  • We will refer to the page listed for further Covid-19 Information. (

  • We will supply all staff members with the relevant cleaning products including hand sanitiser, antibacterial wipes, hand soap, clean water and spare work clothing to ensure all our staff members keep themselves clean and sterile while working

  • Our staff will always maintain a safe 1.5 meter working distance away from people in the areas we are working.

  • Safe work practices will be advised to all staff before they commence work including wearing a face mask if needed, coughing or sneezing into their inner elbow or a tissue, keeping their hands away from their face and mouth while working and using hand sanitiser after sneezing coughing or before making contact with their face, mouth or any equipment they might be working on.

  • Any employee who has been advised to self-quarantine will be required to contact our admin staff to arrange time away from work. From there our staff will be able to work with the employee to find relevant work activities which they can do from their place of isolation.



Illness Action Plan:

The Covid-19 phone application will be mandatory to all ELMS TESTING & COMPLIANCE SERVICES staff members prior starting work with the company. This is to ensure all our staff members have not be in direct contact with a known case.

  • Staff will be told to stay home if they have any flu like symptoms and to seek medical attention from their local GP prior to returning to work.

  • If any staff members start to experience any flu like symptoms while working they will be isolated away from others and either sent to their local hospital or GP for testing.

  • If their symptoms are critical we will contact 000 and organise an ambulance to take them to their local hospital for testing and further medical attention.

  • They will be advised to stay home until they get their results.

  • If the employee’s result come back positive for the virus we will take relevant action through the COVID-19 application to make sure all known locations can be found, all businesses can be contacted and anyone in contact with our employee can also be contacted immediately.

  • We will contact all the customers and ELMS TESTING & COMLIANCE SERVICE employees who came in contact with the affected employee via phone and email so they can initiate their actions plans as quick as possible and self-isolate.

  • Our affected staff members will then be advised to follow all medical advice given including self-isolating for the required time.


Elms Testing & Compliance Services Director

Steven Elms








Our covid-19 management plan was updated in January 2022. Changes to this plan are done regularly to suit the current standards. For more information on our plan please contact Elms Testing and Compliance Services directly. 

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© 2024 Elms TCS PTY LTD

Ph - (07) 3417 5207

ABN - 21 678 719 170

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